Wednesday, June 30, 2010

suka hati aku.

hello. dengan bangganya aku bagitau kamu aku tengah online sekarang.


errr di makmal ICT sekolah.

kena marah?

mcm mana mo kena marah, tau pun tidak. durang sangka aku tengah bz mencari bahan. bijak kan aku. tiru macam saya.

baa. okay. atas nasihat ko aku berhenti.

tapi aku x mau jugak. aku ni jajal ba.


tengok title tu.

p/s : aku sepatutnya mencari bahan untuk presentation computing aku, iaitu ;

differences between stand alone computers, computer networks, and The Internet.


Monday, June 28, 2010


went to CITY MALL on sunday. aim? to go to POPULAR bookstore. when we reached there, woahhhhh.

SALE baby SALE :)

whooot whooot !!!!!

js bought this book for only 31.92 cents. discounts baby.

and i also bought 3 LONGMAN STPM's book. BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY and MATHEMATICS T. 39.90 for each of them. but yeah, since there's discount, 6 bucks is deducted from each of them. teeheee. my sister, ombok also bought some SPM's revision book. same goes to my younger brother, ayzam. counted evrything, 166 bucks. nasib ada kad diskaun and sale. hehe.

so. after POPULAR, we went to the right side of the bookstore. idk what the heck is that place called, but my younger brother are playing there. me? oh no no. hahahaha im 18. but i'm wondering, what is my mom doing in front of the LCD playcomp.....

mmm. she's playing the game too =.=

and me???


after playing session, went for KFC. patiently waiting for mom.

think we're gonna eat there, but my mom come with the TAPAU thingy. what do we call it? eheh. she said she have to send ombok to hostel quickly since it's raining outside. and it's 6 p.m already. the due time for ombok to go back to the hostel is 4. p.m 2 hours late. ehehe. 


my biggest dreams are: making a difference in someone's life. being able to change the world. saving lives. showing love to the people that have never experienced that feeling before.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

the line is super slow.

i freakin' love this picture. booo ya streamyx.

p/s : credit to the turtle.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

dikala keboringan melanda veins aku.

petunjuk : 

no.1 ; cahaya yang keluar dari tanduk si setan.
no.2 ; gigi. mcm gigi vampire sdah aku tguk.

dikala aku tgh stim menulis update, mama aku teriak.

" AMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY cepat turunnnnnn. ko mo beli buku ka ndakk????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

oke gtg bye.


a very good morning. i keep changing my font. 


font2 yg sama boring. hahahaha.

imma off now. mo p beli buku2 stpm.


the new blogspot makes my day!!!

ignore me if i was late to know about this. i js updated my blog few minutes ago.

pssst i'm not a lesbo.

i freakin' love them and i swear to god i miss them badly :'(

assalam~~ !

eheh. lma gila aku x update blog nie. aku bukan apa. bz laa. mklumlah khdupan form 6 =.= or to be exact pre-U students. duhhhh. ok dahhhhhh.............................................................................

tengah aku sibuk memikirkan apa benda yg aku mo post....bapa aku panggil dgn smangatnya....

dad : dot...oooo dot.....( well he's downstairs and im upstairs )
me : aaaa???
dad : dot...oo dot... ( bpa aku mmg gni, trip2 x dgr. mympah akuuu )
me : apaaa?????
dad : dot.....
me : aaaa kijap2. ( aku berlari dgn pnuh smgatnya trun kbwah) aahh apa??? ( aku boleh nmpak da adik lelaki aku yg pling bongsu mcm...
dad : buatkan adik susu...
me : huh! tunggu japp!!!! 

so aku yg tgh sbuk tggu air pnas masak...aku bebodo. hahahaha. ktawa aku sndiri2 di dapur. aku mo jd mama2 lu kijaaapppp. alaaaa kijap jaaa!!!! aku nak ajar kamu buat susu budakk. nnt kamu kawin ada anak sinang skit. haha!! oke pes2 yg kita perlukan ialah......scroll2 bawahh :)

1) botol panas. biar berisi okeeyyy.

2) susu. x kira la jnama apa pun susu yg ko guna. yg pnting ngam dgn anak ko/adik ko. jgn bg susu ibu mgandung susah. =.=

3) botol susu. mcm mana mo buat susu klu teda botol susu??? =.=

4) air suling. haha!! distilled water baaa. kekeke.

oke. cara2 nya ialah,

1st, isi botol susu tu dgn 2ml air panas.
2nd, letak 6 sudu tepung susu kedalam botol susu tersebut. then u goncang2 it. so that susu tu akan cair.
3rd, isi air distilled sbnyak 4 atau 5 ml. brgntung kpada kpanasan susu tu.
4th, goncang lagi botol trsebut.
5th, rasa botol itu. klu trlalu sjuk, tmbh sdikit air pnas. bgtu juga vice versa.

hahaha akuu telah mnjadi cgu yg baeeekkk hari ni. tengkiu2. errrr aku ktawa sorang2. gila.

lpas tu ambik kain di jmuran. jam 6 ptg bru aku ambik. tu pun blum kering. alasann......HARI NI MATAHARI TIDAK PANDAI MUNCUL2!!! hahahaa. btul baa. cloudy + windy saja hari ni. so..... tadi aku tgh sbuk2 baca blog org, aku tjmpa psal post sorang ni, ckp psal RAHSIA BULAN KELAHIRAN. heee jadi aku pun mo la jua ni kunun2 p cari utk OKTOBER punya. search punya search..aku jmpa nie....


  • Suka berbual.
  • Suka orang yang sayang padanya.
  • Suka ambil jln tengah.
  • Sangat menawan & sopan santun.
  • Kecantikan luar & dalam.
  • Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura.
  • Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan.
  • Sentiasa berkawan.
  • Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama.
  • Cepat marah.
  • Macam pentingkan diri sendiri.
  • Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta.
  • Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri.
  • Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain.
  • Emosi yang mudah terusik.
  • Suka berangan & pandai bercakap.
  • Emosi yang kelam kabut.
  • Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan).
  • Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni.
  • Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut.
  • Romantik dalam percintaan.
  • Mudah terusik hati & cemburu.
  • Ambil berat tentang orang lain.
  • Suka kegiatan luar.
  • Seorang yang adil.
  • Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran.
  • Mudah patah semangat

ada juga benda2 yg x btul..tpi x pala. asal aku ja yg tau. and my closest friend. & my family too. nnt aku bgtau kamu, datuk di atas tu trasa pulak. hehehe. peace datuk. wehehehe. btw. aku malas sda mo taip2 pnjg here. take a look.

adik aku mcm sot2 skit. ignore =.=

morning glory at our backyard.


6.1.1 Teacher's Day Card. haha!!! cute.          

actually byak lgi. tpi blogspot ni c cooperate sama aku skrg. haha! 

bahh tu jaa. nnt2 lgi aku upload arrr.

pffft this kboard is suckssss.
